National Organising Week, Day 7 – The Bathroom
It’s the final day of National Organising Week and I wanted to focus on another busy room in your home, the bathroom.
This room is often under pressure at key times of the day as family members complete grooming routines at the start and end of the day.
What’s cluttering up your bathroom?
a. Towels
b. Toiletries
c. Medicines
d. Other (I’d love to know)
Please respond with your answer a, b, c or d
My Blissfully Organised Bathroom
Today is the final day of National Organising Week for members of the Association of Professional Declutterers and Organisers.
Organising a bathroom will vary from home to home depending on the size of the room, storage, number of users and the variety of items needing to be stored in this space.
When I work with a client on a bathroom declutter I make specific suggestions that work for their individual lifestyle. However, there are some general principles that you can adopt to help you get more organised, whether you have a large family bathroom, small en-suite or downstairs WC.
How to reorganise your bathroom in 5 easy steps?
Once you’ve got a better understanding why your bathroom has become cluttered you can now focus on what you can and should store in this space. Decide what you need on display and what can be stored away. For an uncluttered bathroom, you need to store less stuff. Sinks or showers crowded with products look very busy and will make cleaning the bathroom more time consuming.
Step 1: Remove all contents from the sink and storage units in your bathroom.
Step 2: Decide what you need to keep in this space. It’s useful to ask yourself the following questions to help you make decisions.
Do I Need It? Do I Like It? Do I Use it?
Step 3: Remove surplus items – items that belong in other rooms in your home; gifts that you have received but won’t use, surplus supplies (toothpaste, soap, shower gel etc.) extra cleaning products and expensive beauty products that you no longer use.
Step 4: Throw away any old or broken items. Any unopened toiletries can be donated to local food banks who need key supplies for families in need (shower gels, shampoo, conditioner soap, toothpaste)
Step 5: Review your current storage. Is it effective? Does it allow you to store everything in this room effectively? Do you have lots of small storage cupboards that are taking up valuable floor space? Cupboards where products can be screened away from view will create a less cluttered look.
I’ve really enjoyed sharing s few of my top tips with you this week. I hope that you have found them useful.
Lets keep organising!
Tracy Ross
Professional Organiser
#APDO #NOWorganise #nationalorganisingweek #bathroomorganisation #declutter #organise #simplify #blissfullyorganised