My Decluttering And Home Organisation Journey – Eileen Morrison, Beautiful Bea
A Confidential and Non-Judgemental Home Organisation Service
As you know the service that I provide to my clients at Blissfully Organised is fully confidential and non-judgemental. As such, I was delighted and honoured that my lovely client Eileen Morrison shared her experience of working with Blissfully Organised to simplify her home management on her fabulous blog BeautifulBea.
I first met Eileen on the 6th February 2017 for a Home Organisation Consultation. Over the next few months I supported her to achieve her home organisation goals, room by room. Eileen is an amazing ambassador for an award winning natural skincare range called Tropic. She was facing the challenge of running a business from home and managing day to day family life. Simplifying her home management and setting up easy to maintain systems to maintain a clutter free home was a high priority.
Holiday Planning: If you are planning to go away this summer I would highly recommend that you contact Eileen about the Tropic skincare travel kits and mineral sun cream range. Tropic With Eileen.
Eileen’s Experience of Working With Blissfully Organised
I wanted to share with you Eileen’s experience of working with Blissfully Organised in her own words.
Hello Lovely people,
My Decluttering and Organisation Journey
How many of you struggle with keeping a room in order, never mind a whole house? Do you also have a longing to feel blissfully organised as you walk about your home?
As I’ve said before, I really do love my home. It’s where I brought my daughter home to when she was just two days old and that in itself makes our home such a sacred place. I think it’s a real mixture of both myself, Mr M, our beautiful Bea and my two step-children. We have all squeezed our stuff, (I’ll be really honest and admit to owning most of the ‘stuff’) into our lovely three bedroomed town house and I think it is really homely.
The trouble is, it is filled to the brim, and I mean practically bursting at the seams in some of the rooms, with items of furniture; toys, trinkets, books, more trinkets, cards, bits of scrap paper, the list is endless and I’m pretty confident that some of you reading this will relate to having at least some of these items in excess.
I seem to have formed strong bonds with pretty much everything that is resident in my home. I am a sentimentalist at heart and this can be my down fall at times, particularly when it comes to organising our home and knowing when to part with something.
I’m not even sure why some things in my home hold such sentimental value to me, but they do and it’s causing a real issue as our lovely home is so cluttered I feel as though my possessions are multiplying and breeding!
Help I Need Support
Going forward, I realise that I have a problem and so I enlisted the help of an amazing lady called Tracy Ross who runs her own home organisation and decluttering service. I’m in LOVE with the name of her business – Blissfully Organised. It makes me think of Mary Poppins style tidying up, ‘spring cleaning’ in January after all the decorations are down and everything needs to go back to where it was before Christmas.
After spending four hours with the lovely Tracy on Monday, in my mind, (and you know just how imaginative it can be) I picture her house to look like an advert from The Ideal Home magazine. I don’t think its huge because one thing she really drummed into me is that you need to make the most of the space that you have and make it work for you.
I can see all her surfaces – window ledges, table tops, bedside cabinets, and in every room there is a place for everything and everything in its place. I honestly feel as though she is related somehow, to Mary Poppins.
Lastly, I imagine that she really enjoys maintaining such an organised home because whilst working alongside her in my home, (I mainly watched) the look I saw on her face is the same look I know I have when I’m so engrossed with a sewing project or when I’m hyper and excited about something brilliant that I’m about to do. This lady LOVES what she does and it radiates off her.
Baring in mind that I was feeling quite nervous and possibly a tad anxious, (I was inviting a stranger into my home to sort it out as it had got out of hand BIG time) about her visit, by the time she left I can honestly say that apart from feeling knackered I felt so inspired to keep going with the plan that she left me. Tracy really put me at ease and made me realise that my situation mimics that of a lot of working parents with young children. We spent the first 20 minutes chatting and she is a genuinely honest and kind soul.
The Blissfully Organised Action List
I got homework but then I knew this was coming as she came highly recommended and everyone mentioned the fact that she would leave an action list. For some it’s as simple as knowing how to disperse of all the rubbish/recycling/stuff to sell/stuff to donate. I’m a really task orientated person and I’m like a child when I’ve completed it so Tracy knows to expect a lot of pictures of the finished room when I’m done. In turn, I will expect a certificate of achievement.
Blissfully Organised Offers A Non-Judgemental and Confidential Service
Incidentally, the only way you will hear reviews about Tracy’s services are through the people lucky enough to have had her in their home. She is extremely private about what she does as she respects the privacy of all of her clients.
I really admire the way in which Tracy offers her ideas to you about how best to organise or declutter. She is incredibly diplomatic and as she spends time at the beginning of your first appointment getting to know you and your needs she is so thoughtful with her ideas and suggestions. And that’s just what they are – suggestions. She continually made it clear to me throughout our session that it was for me to decide where things go and what if any, got binned. The thing is though, after less than an hour with Tracy in my loft room where it houses my craft area, (which has taken over the room like an over-grown garden) and my two step-children, I realised that everything she was suggesting was either the most obvious solution or a genius idea.
What I Learnt From Tracy Ross
The main thing I took away from our amazing session, (and I’ve already booked the next one) was that unless something needs to go into a memory box, (where it’s so special but it doesn’t serve a purpose to be on display) if you are going to keep it, then honestly ask yourself what purpose it serves. Once you know that you definitely want to keep something then find a place for it and place it near similar items so that it makes sense.
My wardrobe is practically beaming as now all my Tropic Skincare products, bags, paperwork and cases can vacate the area as there is a generous allocated slot upstairs for them to happily live more comfortably. My shoes are also very happy as they can come down from the top of the wardrobe and display themselves under my clothes.
Tracy Ross Is An Experienced Organiser
I didn’t take any before pictures of the room, (mainly because I was so ashamed of the state it was in) so the after pictures wont make any sense. Plus I chose the pictures above as I want you to see Tracy for yourself. She truly is a beautiful person inside and out. I cannot recommend her enough to help you with ANY kind of home organisation or decluttering issue. If I ever move house, I would want Tracy with me packing and unpacking at the other end!
Check out her website – Blissfully Organised, which has links to her Facebook and Twitter pages. She also writes blogs about organising and decluttering. Her most recent one is about the benefits of downsizing your home – click here to read this informative and helpful guide.
Thank you so much Eileen for your kind words and for sharing your experience. To read more of Eileen’s fabulous blogs please go to Beautiful Bea.
If you need support simplifying your home management please contact me at Contact
Let’s keep organising!
Expert Organiser
#declutter #organise #simplify