Tracy Ross, Blissfully Organised Herts Advertiser Property
Christmas Top Tips
I was delighted to have my top tips for getting organised for Christmas published in todays Herts Advertiser Property Supplement.
We can hardly believe it but today marks 12 weeks until Christmas Day. This means there’s plenty of time to make this festive season stress-free – just follow local decluttering expert Tracy Ross’s top tips….
Tracy Ross, Experienced Organiser
12 Weeks To Christmas
Many of my clients start thinking about Christmas as soon as they’ve restored calm after the summer holidays. If preparing for Christmas fills you with dread, follow my 12-week Christmas check-list to feel Blissfully Organised.
If you spread out all the things that need to be organised between now and the festive season it will feel less overwhelming. Also completing the decluttering and organisation tasks will benefit you all year round.
Christmas Countdown Checklist
Week 1: Check Lists and Budgets
* Agree where you will spend Christmas, and where family and friends are going. This can sometimes be complicated so it’s a good idea to start the discussion early
* Set your budget for gifts, food, travel and entertainment
* Write a gift list – who, budget and gift ideas
Week 2: Entertainment & 2019 Diary
* Book to see Santa and tickets to Christmas shows
* Check when the nativity plays are at school and book time off work
* If you are hosting think about any activities that you would like to do with your guests i.e. day out in London, local walks, carol service etc
* Book babysitters early for pre-Christmas events and New Year’s Eve
* Purchase your 2019 diary and transfer key dates before the busy Christmas period
Week 3: Travel and Catering
* If you are spending Christmas or New Year away from home book your travel arrangements and accommodation
* Book a Christmas food delivery slot and start menu planning for the festive period. Place an order for your meat, fish and wine
Week 4: Pre- Christmas Decluttering and Home Organisation
* If you are having guests to stay over the festive season its useful to start thinking about where they will sleep and what they need
* Audit your linens and towels. Purge worn or unwanted items and determine if you need to replace anything
* Declutter your freezer and kitchen storage cupboards. You will need additional space for food and accessories over Christmas
* Loft/storage spaces – you will also need to create space to store gifts and additional larder items in the run up to Christmas
* Review the children’s toys and clothes. Purge any broken or unwanted items to make space for Christmas gifts
Week 5: The Gift List, Pampering and Style
* Ask the children for a Christmas wish list and make your own list
* Order any difficult to buy gifts and look out for seasonal promotions on high value items e.g. Black Friday
* Experiences or vouchers always make lovely gifts
* Book your hair and beauty appointments to avoid disappointment
* Plan your outfits for the festive season to ensure you have what you need
Week 6: Decorations and Christmas Cards
* Review your Christmas decorations. Do the lights work? Do you have everything that you need? Will you go for a real or artificial tree?
* Update your Christmas card list and ensure you have all contact details. Write cards in small batches. Hand deliver any cards locally and check the last postal dates for international deliveries
* Consider sending a Christmas e-card (with a festive family photo) and donating to your favourite charity instead of sending out cards.
Week 7: Gift Wrapping
* Wrap and label all gifts as you go. For close family members use a different wrapping paper to make it easy to identify
* Keep a list of everything that you have bought for each person with a note where you have stored each item
Week 8: Key Supplies & Generic Gifts
* Stock up on key supplies – lightbulbs, batteries, medicines, toiletries, kitchen essentials
* Generic gifts: Keep a small number of gifts for the unexpected
Week 9: Tree, Post, Decorations & Christmas Items
* Put up your tree and decorations
* Post your cards and parcels early to avoid queues later
* Think about how you will display cards and store gifts that you receive pre-Christmas (under the tree or hidden away)
* Take out of storage any Christmas crockery and linens and store in an accessible place
Week 10: Christmas Events and Final Declutter
* By now you will already be in the middle of Christmas festivities and will start to feel the benefits of early planning
* Now is the time to do a final clear out of the freezer and kitchen to create space for the seasonal items that you need to store
* Final confirmation of guest arrival dates/times and check on sleeping arrangements
Week 11: Non-Perishables & Beauty Appointments
* Buy final non-perishables
* Enjoy your pre-Christmas pampering
Week 12: Perishables and Guests
* Collect/take delivery perishable / fresh foods. Be prepared for any last-minute rushes to the supermarket
* Prepare rooms for guests
* Don’t forget to delegate tasks to all members of the family – remember it’s your Christmas too
Relax and enjoy the festive season!
If you need help decluttering and organising your home for Christmas, please contact Tracy Ross at .
Blissfully Organised Gift Vouchers
Why not add a Blissfully Organised Gift Voucher to your Christmas wish list? Buy as many hours as you need.
Please contact me at for further details.